Strategie in Zeiten radikaler Unsicherheit - Die Wiederentdeckung von Clausewitz
Angesichts geopolitischer Verwerfungen (Afghanistan), gesellschaftlicher Krisen (Covid, Klima) und disruptiver Wirtschaftsentwicklungen (Digitalisierung) stoßen wir an die Grenzen unserer planerischen Vernunft. Was sich Jahrzehnte lang durch Zielsetzung, Planung und Implementierung meistern ließ, erscheint unbeherrschbar. Pläne scheitern, Strategien versagen.
Brands are a fait accompli: they represent a mountain range of evidence in search of a theory. They are much exploited, but little explored. In this book, Martin Kornberger sets out to rectify the ratio between exploiting and exploring through sketching out a theory of the Brand Society. Most attempts to explain the role of brands focus on brands either as marketing and management tools (business perspective) or a symptoms of consumerism (sociological perspective). Brand Society combines these perspectives to show how brands have the power to transform both the organizations that develop them and the lifestyles of the individuals who consume them. This holistic approach shows how brands function as a medium between producers and consumers in a way that is rapidly transforming our economy and society. That's the bottom line of the Brand Society: brands are a new way of organizing production and managing consumption. Using an array of practical case studies from a diverse set of organizations, this book provides a fascinating account of the way in which brands influence the lives of individuals and the organizations they work in.
How do we organize ourselves to accomplish shared goals? The premise of this book is that our well-worn modes of collective action – from markets to hierarchies, from institutions to movements – provide a limited vocabulary to investigate, let alone invent new forms of open, networked and transsectoral collaboration.
A Very Short, Fairly Interesting and Reasonably Cheap Book about Studying Strategy is a welcoming, lively, and thought provoking account of strategy. It helps students get to grips with strategy's key issues and broad debates and introduce them to the latest ideas that won't yet have been covered in the classroom. Organized into three sections, concepts are made really accessible as the authors first recap the history of strategy as an academic discipline, then evaluate major schools of strategic thought, and conclude by critiquing the latest developments in strategic research.
Plan B ist Subversion und Sabotage.
Plan B ist Aufladung und Aufbruch.
Stellen Sie sich vor, Sie kaufen sich alle paar Jahre einen neuen Computer, den Sie aber mit alter Software bedienen müssen. Gehen tut es vielleicht, aber sicher nicht gut. So lässt sich der Zustand des heutigen Managements beschreiben. Und eben darin liegt das Problem unserer von Management gesteuerten, von Wirtschaft getriebenen, von Organisation durchstrukturierten Gesellschaft: dass wir mit den Managementkonzepten des frühen 20. Jahrhunderts die Probleme des 21. Jahrhunderts angehen.
An Introduction to Theory and Practice
A realist′s guide to management, the authors capture the complex life of organizations, providing not only an account of theories, but also an introduction to their practice with examples from everyday life and culture discussing the key themes and debates along the way.